Is that guy wearing a BABY?

Our office is 100% a family office. From the populations we serve (pregnancy and pediatrics) to being a family run business, we strive to live out growing a healthy family in all that we do! So it's no surprise that early after our son was born, he joined the practice with us.

We knew that having Oliver in close contact with us during the 4th trimester was important for many aspects of his health, development, and the breastfeeding relationship.

We are very fortunate to have the ability to bring our son to work with us, and are aware that the majority of families are unable to do the same. Because of this, our "normal" soon became newsworthy headlines. WOW! We are so thankful for the opportunity to share our story across many media outlets.

Click the video below and hear from us why the 4th trimester is so beneficial and the many benefits of baby-wearing. 

Thank you to Morning Dose for putting together this video!