Roots Family Chiropractic is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractic office in the Lincoln Park and Lakeview area. Dr. Tom Williams, owner and chiropractor, is an expert in working with women during all stages of their pregnancy journey. He believes that every woman should be supported in achieving the birth they desire, and knows that he can do so by providing quality chiropractic care through the Webster Technique, education, and empowerment!

What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is a specific technique used by chiropractors, primarily prenatal chiropractors, to help facilitate correct pelvic and sacral alignment for mother. By ensuring proper alignment, balance in the pelvic muscles, ligaments, and nervous system function are also restored. This allows for decreased tension on the uterus, providing a greater likelihood of optimal fetal position for baby. Although many pregnant women are aware of this technique for breech babies, it is beneficial for all pregnancies and baby presentations.

Why do subluxations happen in pregnant women?

Subluxations, or spinal misalignments resulting in nerve interference, occur in all individuals whether you are pregnant or not. However, the pregnant woman has added factors of constantly changing hormones and structural compensations that occur to provide adequate room for your growing baby! These structural changes most commonly occur in the pelvic and sacral regions.

How can it help with a breech baby?

Webster’s Technique does not claim to “turn breech babies”. There is no form of direct, external turning mechanism involved during this technique. However, by restoring balance in the sacrum, pelvis, and surrounding muscles and ligaments, the likelihood of baby being able to achieve positioning himself is greater. Just as mothers have innate intelligence, babies do too, but sometimes they just need a little more space to achieve the optimal head-down position.

Is it safe and effective compared to other medical options?

We believe that the woman’s body is designed to grow, protect, and birth her child. Each woman has an innate intelligence that allows for this process, and we want to help you achieve a healthy birth in the way you desire. However, nerve interferences and/or misalignments can interfere with your baby’s ability to achieve ideal positioning in utero. This is where Webster’s Technique plays a very safe, gentle, and effective role. The adjustments completed during Webster’s do not involve physically manipulating the baby. Instead, by restoring balance in the sacrum, pelvis, and surrounding muscles and ligaments, the likelihood of baby being able to achieve positioning himself is greater. According to a study completed by Dr. Webster himself of over 1,000 pregnant women, the technique was 90% effective. Depending on the chiropractic office, many chiropractors continue to see success rates around 80%.

In comparison, another technique called external cephalic version is an option performed in medical offices. This technique involves attempts at physically rotating the baby. This is done by the physician positioning his or her hands on the baby’s head and buttocks, and completing a series of pushing mechanisms. This technique is often uncomfortable for mothers due to force used for manipulation and increased risk of uterine contractions; therefore medications or an epidural anesthesia may be given prior. Baby is also monitored closely after attempts. Depending on the literature you read, external cephalic version has an average success rate of anywhere between 35-65%.

I don’t have a breech baby, how would Webster Technique help me?

Of course! The Webster Technique is beneficial for all women who are expecting. Like stated above, the technique works to establish balance in the anatomical structures constantly changing as baby grows. Webster’s doesn’t just allow for proper positioning of baby, but also adequate room for baby and increased comfort for mama! Because of this, chiropractic care during pregnancy has also been associated with decreased pain during labor, decreased labor and delivery times, and decreased need for intervention during the birthing process.