Colic Doesn't Just Pass; There Are Ways To Help
/Colicky babies are at their wit's end. They're not sure what to do. They've tried everything.
They don't know if they should go to another provider because they don't see the purpose. They feel it will pass.
Other providers are telling them it will pass and there's no need to address the issue, but I believe that there's a bigger problem here.
Hi, I'm Dr. Tom, founder of Roots Family Chiropractic, and I focus on taking care of kids, babies, and adults in a different way.
I believe that birth is inherently a traumatic process, and we need to take care of these babies as if they could have endured some trauma, especially the ones that are expressing symptoms, telling us something's wrong.
I focus on addressing the spine and the alignment and the nervous system because if that's stressed out from the birth process, it's going to lead to discomfort.
It's going to lead to a lack of mobility in that area, it can decrease feeding efficiency and decrease sleep and rest.
I would love to help your family get through this struggle so that you can have a happy, healthy, growing, and developing child.