A Medical Doctor Must Refer You to a Chiropractor?

We're always told to consult with a medical professional but is five minutes and a new prescription really the best we can do for our health?

I think not.

I'm a chiropractor, and you don't need to be referred from a medical doctor to come and see me.

Some do great work, but while they focus on pharmaceuticals and prescriptions, we focus on natural health and wellness.

We want to do the best we can to help you avoid prescriptions, premiums, and persistent pain all on your own. To learn more give us a call!

How To Choose A Chiropractor

Want to know a secret? Not all chiropractic offices are the same. Bigger isn't always better.

I love my industry, but when it comes to choosing quantity or quality, I'd rather have the latter, wouldn't you?

There are big differences to look for and some questions to consider before choosing the right chiropractor with a new patient special, so don't be afraid to ask.

Here are the top questions for each category of what you absolutely must look for in a chiropractor.

  1. Experience and environment
    How do people feel when they leave the office and what experience does this doctor have that is different?

    What is the atmosphere of their office, and do I feel comfortable when I’m there?

  2. Customization of your plan
    Will this tailor to my specific needs?

    Does the chiropractor understand my needs and my lifestyle?

  3. Duration of your plan
    Do they want to see me as often as possible or for as long as possible, or do they want to see me when I need them?

  4. The evaluation process
    Do they do x-rays, nerve testing, or other forms of evaluation?

    Are they trying to find the cause of my issues?

  5. Same-day adjustments
    Do they do same-day adjustments? (Normally, we wouldn't recommend it unless you're in excruciating pain because one adjustment won't fix it for good.)

Find a chiropractor willing to help you with your health goals, not just your health challenges, and who is willing to make decisions with you — not for you.

These are just a handful of things you should consider when comparing chiropractors in your town.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor of your own, be sure to check out our site and give us a call!

Life Is Like A Light

When you first bought your house, what did you check on?

The plumbing, the insulation, and the electric, right?

You wanted to make sure you are safe from disaster.

Odds are, if we cut the cords to your electrical system, the power would go off. Well, your body is the same way!

It has an electrical system that controls everything we feel and do.

It's called the nervous system.

When something is blocking its signal you're in trouble.

At my office, we've mastered this system.

Our chiropractic adjustments free this and allow the body to respond and react to life exactly how it's supposed to.

That's why our members see us for colic and constipation, stress, tummy troubles, hyperactivity, pain, discomfort, pregnancy, and so much more.

If you think something is cutting out the lights and you want to know what's going on, comment below or message us right here — we’re here to help!

Headache Relief

Understanding Headaches

To get rid of headaches, you have to truly understand them.

First of all, they aren't normal.

In fact, more than just two headaches per year are a sign that something is wrong… but many of my patients say they have one to two per week before they see me!

Different types of headaches can be caused by stress, dehydration, muscle tightness, or even a lack of sleep.

Unfortunately, no amount of over the counter pills, blacked out windows, or hours of napping will fix the cause of these headaches.

95% of headaches are caused by tension in the upper back and neck.

Chiropractic adjustments help fix and maintain posture, relieve muscle tension, alleviate stress, increase sleep, and help your nervous system respond faster.

That's why so many people in Chicago have come to see us for their chronic headaches.

I'm Dr. Tom with Roots Family Chiropractic.

If you're tired of headaches or know someone else who is, let them know to visit us online at rootsfamilychiro.com and give us a call so that we can get rid of these for you.

What If It Gets Worse?

The question isn't, what if we can't fix it?

The question is, what if it gets worse?

The fact is, no one can cure a symptom — not even medications.

When many people step out to get better, they're looking for a quick fix.

That's why in chiropractic we focus on curing the problem that causes those symptoms over long periods of time.

By adjusting the right areas of the body, your nervous system can adapt and respond to stresses of life exactly how it was supposed to.

If you would like to learn more about adjustments or unlock your true potential, follow us on Facebook!
