Headache Relief

Understanding Headaches

To get rid of headaches, you have to truly understand them.

First of all, they aren't normal.

In fact, more than just two headaches per year are a sign that something is wrong… but many of my patients say they have one to two per week before they see me!

Different types of headaches can be caused by stress, dehydration, muscle tightness, or even a lack of sleep.

Unfortunately, no amount of over the counter pills, blacked out windows, or hours of napping will fix the cause of these headaches.

95% of headaches are caused by tension in the upper back and neck.

Chiropractic adjustments help fix and maintain posture, relieve muscle tension, alleviate stress, increase sleep, and help your nervous system respond faster.

That's why so many people in Chicago have come to see us for their chronic headaches.

I'm Dr. Tom with Roots Family Chiropractic.

If you're tired of headaches or know someone else who is, let them know to visit us online at rootsfamilychiro.com and give us a call so that we can get rid of these for you.