Dad Loves His Baby's Chiropractor Listen Why!

I Wanted To Take The Time Quickly To Praise Dr. Tom From Roots Family Chiropractic.

That office is amazing.

My wife and my son have been going there.

My wife started going there when she was about six months pregnant.

And our son goes there with her now that he's been born.

Dr. Tom is a great guy.

He knows exactly what he's doing.

He has created an environment that feels safe.

You feel at ease, you feel peace, and you feel joy.

I give it five stars out of five and highly recommend Dr. Tom's services to everybody.


Exclusive: Pediatric Chiropractor Is Not Taking Care Of Bad Backs, So What Is He Doing?

I don't know how many times I've been told that chiropractic is only about bad backs. I wanted to let you know that more than half of my practice is kids, families, and pregnant women, and most of them don't have bad backs.

What we're doing in our practice is helping their nervous system function appropriately, which is going to give kids better sleep, better comfort.

It's going to help babies with colic, digestion, and discomfort, and it's going to help kiddos sit and focus more in school.

It's going to help kids talk, learn more efficiently, and develop more efficiently.

Little Boy Goes From Using Only 5 Signs To Talking In Chiropractic!

Let me tell you a story about a little boy who went to the chiropractor and started to talk.

He was having a difficult time going out in public, going into different situations. The family was having a difficult time managing the tantrums, the meltdowns, the lack of communication. He only had five different signs that he was able to communicate with, and through care, he was able to start using more signs.

Within a few weeks, he had more than 20 different signs to be able to move through and get his basic needs met. A few months later, he's starting to talk. This allowed him to not only communicate but to then regulate his behaviors more efficiently to where mom said that he's having normal behaviors that a child his age would have.

I'm Dr. Tom, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic here in Chicago, and my mission is to help unlock the potential for these kids and these families so that they can live a happier healthier life.

My question for you is, what can this type of care do for you or your family?

Schedule a consultation with us here on our website and let’s find out.

I Look Forward To Working With Hyve Health!

I am so thankful for my meeting with Hyve Health that I just had.

I'm so thankful for the gift that they gave me. They gave me some awesome swag, some Patagonia, and love what Bri, Kendall, and the rest of the team at Hyve Health are doing.

Something that they say is growth is an art and a science, and that resonates so true with me because kiddos can deal with some struggles, and growing and developing isn't easy, but we don't focus on treating the symptoms we look to get to the root cause of the problem.

That's why I love their new family practice, pediatric practice model because they're not just treating kiddos and the symptoms that they're dealing with.

They're looking to get to the root cause of the issue with different providers starting at prenatal care, following this family through the birth, and then the support thereafter.

They look to support them uniquely through their membership model practice. I look forward to continuing to partner with Hyve Health.

I look forward to being in their community, going to their awesome workshops, and I hope that we can continue to support children differently here in Chicago because we need it more now than ever. Good luck, Hyve.

I look forward to your growth journey as a practice, and the support that you're going to be able to provide to Chicago with the big vision that you have.

Looking For Answers & A New Approach to ADHD?

Parents tell me all the time that they don't want to use medication for their child's ADHD, and I can understand that because it's addressing the symptom and not the root cause of the challenge that they're dealing with.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% opposed to anything.

What we do in our practice is focused on a consult and exam to address the dysfunction in a child's physiology, and we can assess the nervous system because if it's under stress and it's locked in a stress mode, it would make sense that they're hyperactive, impulsive, and not able to focus in on a class or homework.

I'm Dr. Tom, founder of Roots Family Chiropractic, and I do chiropractic adjustments and take this nervous system approach so that we can change the dysfunction in the neurology so that the physiology can improve and we can have results of kiddos calming down, focusing in on the class and being able to live health expressed life because this is the easiest way to see a child's life improve.

If that sounds interesting to you and you have any questions for me, please go to my website at and schedule a free 15-minute phone consult.

I look forward to speaking with you soon so that your answers can bring you hope and joy about your family and your child's life moving forward.

Colic Doesn't Just Pass; There Are Ways To Help

Colicky babies are at their wit's end. They're not sure what to do. They've tried everything.

They don't know if they should go to another provider because they don't see the purpose. They feel it will pass.

Other providers are telling them it will pass and there's no need to address the issue, but I believe that there's a bigger problem here.

Hi, I'm Dr. Tom, founder of Roots Family Chiropractic, and I focus on taking care of kids, babies, and adults in a different way.

I believe that birth is inherently a traumatic process, and we need to take care of these babies as if they could have endured some trauma, especially the ones that are expressing symptoms, telling us something's wrong.

I focus on addressing the spine and the alignment and the nervous system because if that's stressed out from the birth process, it's going to lead to discomfort.

It's going to lead to a lack of mobility in that area, it can decrease feeding efficiency and decrease sleep and rest.

I would love to help your family get through this struggle so that you can have a happy, healthy, growing, and developing child.

No More Ear Infections

You're not going to believe it, but getting multiple ear infections as a child isn't normal, and it's not normal to need a whole drip being drilled into your ear to let the fluid drain.

So what's the real problem here?

In our practice, we've helped a number of kids solve the reoccurring ear infection issue by taking care of their spine and nervous system.

I'm Dr. Tom, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic.

We help kids live life differently and help their immune system and their health improve.

If you would like some help with a child, we'd be happy to answer any questions that you have about the services that we provide in our practice and how they can support your family.

Make an appointment today and let’s figure out how we can best help your child.

Is It Normal For A Baby To Not Stop Crying?

Let me tell you a story about a colicky baby that cried all day and all night if it wasn't sleeping or eating.

When this mom took this baby to their doctor, they said they would grow out of it and that they had reflux, and here, take this medication to help that reflux. It didn't help and that baby was still super uncomfortable. They were told they'll just grow out of it.

Hi, I'm Dr. Tom, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic and I do what I do because if I don't help, no one will.

We help babies get more comfortable when no one else has the answers to why they're uncomfortable.

Through chiropractic adjustments, we're able to help their body function more appropriately so that they can sleep more soundly, digest their food more efficiently, and not have so much discomfort that leads them to nonstop crying with colic.

If this sounds interesting, I'd be happy to have a free phone consultation with you, and you can schedule that with me at, and I'll answer any questions that you have about your child and care in my practice.

Please reach out, I'd be happy to help.

Looking For A Family Chiropractor? Check Out Our 5 Star Reviews!

We're here with Dr. Tom Williams.

He's one of the best family chiropractors in the entire city.

Not a lot of chiropractors can actually treat young kids and infants.

With Tom's technique, he gets amazing results treating little kids with developmental issues, with birth trauma issues, et cetera.

Check out his Google reviews.

He has literally hundreds of five-star reviews.

What Would Your Life Be Like?

This weekend, I was traveling to Boston for extra training and doctor training to be a better provider.

AWwhen you're waiting at airports, and you're waiting for Ubers, et cetera, you tend to do some thinking.

One of the things that I thought of, that the question I like to ask you is, what would your life be like without X?

X meaning the chronic back pain, the foot pain when you get out of bed, the neck pain, the shoulder pain that's always there and affects your daily life.

If you can think of something right off the top of your head about what would you do differently if you didn't have these things and how much life would be better, then we're the clinic for you.

Our number one job is to help people that aren't getting results with other providers that have been in chronic pain for months to even years to help you to find a diagnosis, help you understand this problem, and more importantly, help get you results so you can get your life back on track.

We'd love to hear from you.

We'd love to see you in our office.

We look forward to helping you out, get out of chronic pain, and start living the life that you were meant to live and that you enjoy.

Come Check Out Our Gentle Chiropractic Techniques!

Here at Roots Family Chiro with Dr. Tom, he's practicing his technique here called torque release technique.

One of the biggest criticisms and problems with chiropractic is that you get that rack 'em and crack 'em chiropractor that can cause harm arm by over adjusting the spine in super high force adjustments that only causes more problems long term.

With this beautiful technique, Tom uses this little tool called the integrator, and it's a very, very gentle technique for slowly releasing layers of the spine over time.

You come in, get a couple of adjustments, come in a couple of times a week.

What we see over time is a gentle, beautiful result long-term.

This is so gentle it can be done with kids at literally any age, even newborn infants.

Nervous About Seeing A Chiropractor? This Will Put You At Ease

This is what makes me different than several different chiropractors here in Chicago, and not only this but the technique I use to find the spot that I do the adjustments on someone's body.

What makes me different is that I take the approach to take care of the nervous system rather than just the spine, and that allows us to help someone's body change so that they can improve their sleep, their energy, their pain, their digestion, their focus.

This is why we not only take care of adults in our practice, but the majority of our practice is kids and babies so that we can help unlock their potential and help their body heal from the inside out.

If you're interested in learning more about how chiropractic care can help you or your family, give us a call.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

The 2 Most Important Ways To Help Kids Heal

Alex: Two of the most important pillars of holistic medicine are structure and nutrition.

We're going to talk today a little bit about why these two pillars are important.

From a nutritional perspective, we do food intolerance evaluation in our practice at Haven.

What we see continuously is that when you figure out what your food intolerance is, you decrease the toxemia and inflammation in your body so your digestive system can work well and absorb nutrients.

People heal, especially young kids.

Their bodies are so resilient when you figure out that food intolerance, boom, magic happens.

Tom, what's your experience with structure with kids?

Tom: When kiddos have stress in life, mostly from the pregnancy, or from the birth process, or those bumps and bruises from falling at the park, it can cause some stress and tension in their spine and nervous system.

What that means is that their neurophysiology, their nervous system, isn't going to function well, and that's going to lead to food not getting digested well because the organs aren't getting the right information.

This is why we focus on helping realign and reorganize the nervous system and spine so that their body can function and heal the way that it was supposed to.

That's why we love working in conjunction with Haven because we can have this multidisciplinary approach that's truly holistic from the inside out.

There Is No Such Thing As Bad Kids

I believe that there is no such thing as bad kids.

The problem is there's dysfunctional physiology that can lead to a number of different symptoms in children.

It can lead to hyperactivity, behavior issues, impulsivity, lack of focus, anxiety, anger, frustration.

This doesn't make a child bad but what it does is tell us that there's something wrong and that something wrong is an imbalanced nervous system that has the body constantly perceiving stress.

So what do we do about it?

Well, I'm Dr. Tom Williams, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic here in Chicago.

We help their nervous system balance through chiropractic adjustments, get their body out of fight or flight so that their body can rest, digest, and develop, and thrive the way their body was designed to.

I'd be happy to get on a free 15 minutes phone consult with you.

Please schedule that consultation with me, and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have so that we can help your kiddo get to the place that we know they could be.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Being Uncomfortable All Day Is Not Normal

Is it normal for a baby to be super gassy, uncomfortable, and crying most of the day?

Well, in my office, I hear parents tell me that their pediatrician said it was normal and they'll grow out of it.

I disagree.

It's not normal for a baby to be super uncomfortable all day.

It's telling us that something's wrong and if we just leave it be, yeah, they might grow out of it.

What they're going to do, is just have those symptoms change and have it lead to something else.

I'd be happy to support your family so that you can have a better understanding of what's going on and how we can help a baby's body heal, recover, grow, develop and thrive the way that it's supposed to.

If that sounds interesting to you, please give us a call, or you can go to my website at and schedule a free phone consult with me.

I'd be happy to answer any of your questions.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Chiropractic Care Is Dangerous?

"How will chiropractic work for me?"

Has that question ever crossed your mind?

Oftentimes, people think a crack or a pop is a problem, and there's no way I'd ever let that happen.

The funny thing is those little pops and cracks are just air bubbles and they're 100% safe.

However, in our practice, we generally don't use techniques that lead to a crack or a pop in the spine.

We see clients in our practice as young as one day old.

We see pregnant clients, kids, parents, and individuals who are looking for something different when it comes to their health.

They just want to perform better.

If you want to know more about chiropractic, the most natural path to health and wellness, give us a call.

Is It Normal For Babies to Struggle as They Grow or is it Just Common

Parents are told every day that their child's struggles are normal.

And when I talk to them in my office, I ask them, "Do you think it's normal?"

And they usually say no, or they're not sure.

And in today's society, our healthcare system is comparing all these kids' health issues and saying they're normal, but in reality, they're just common.

The problem is, is common doesn't mean normal.

And so that's where we need to look at the body differently and say, "Is it healthy? Is it thriving?" because symptoms tell us when something is wrong.

I'm Dr. Tom, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic, and I love supporting families so that we can help their children function at a higher level so that they can live a happy healthy life.

And we don't base our care off of symptoms, but we base it off on function so that we can know what's going on and know how to help take care of that.

If that sounds interesting to you, I would love to speak with you! Please schedule a free phone consultation with me.

I'd be happy to help.

Have You Ever Been Sold Something That Didn't Work In a Time of Need?

Ever been struggling and been sold something that doesn't work, that you didn't want?

That's a really hard time of life because you feel so desperate to get the results you're looking for and you're willing to just try anything.

In our practice, we provide hope for healing the way the body was designed to from the inside out and we show you exactly what's wrong so that we know exactly how we can get to the root cause of the issue.

I'm Dr. Tom, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic here in Chicago.

And trust me, I get plenty of skeptics of chiropractic care, especially when it comes to kids, but our results speak for themselves.

We are one of the most highly-rated chiropractic practices in Chicago.

And if you're looking to read those stories, please go to our Google reviews.

There's over 200 there.

And if you want to learn more about how I can support you or your family, please schedule a free phone consultation with me so that I can answer all of your questions completely, transparently, and honestly so that you know exactly what to expect before coming into my practice.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

The Birth of My First Son

Let me tell you a story about my son's birth.

Most babies are born with hands on their heads, and that's concerning because it leads to an injury caused by the birth that's going to impact the neck, impact the muscles, but most importantly, impact the nervous system.

Our son was our first child and my wife and I, highly value natural birth.

And so we decided to go with home birth, a water birth, and we did this because we knew we could get what we wanted for our birth process, for our child, and the growing of our family.

And even though during those appointments with our midwife prior that we had and I set my expectations that we're not going to pull the baby out unless medically necessary, even during our birth process, our midwife put her hands on my son's head to assist him out of the birth canal.

And so I know this happens with other birth providers, with other doctors, other midwives, and hospitals, and it happens to most babies because I'm a pediatric chiropractor here in Chicago with Roots Family Chiropractic.

And I understand that birth is super important when it comes to a child's health, and if the problem doesn't get taken care of, it can lead to colic, digestive issues, including reflux, constipation, sleep issues, and so through chiropractic adjustments, we're able to help this spine and nervous system regulate and recover so that we can have a happy and healthy baby moving forward.

And so if any of this sounds interesting, please reach out to me!

I'd be happy to help.