Top 5 Testimonials: Sensory Processing Disorder

Testimonial 1: “Our daughter had been struggling with sensory processing issues since birth. She was bothered by certain touch or environmental stimulus. She was behind in several milestones. Night terrors took over our nights. She also had a hard time concentrating, dealing with emotions and following through with tasks. Occupational therapy was helpful in that it helped us parents learn what is going on and how to help her. But it never made the underlying issues go away. We used natural supplements daily for her to cope. We started seeing Dr. Tom when she was 4 years old and saw immediate results with the first adjustment. Her school asked what we did differently because she was like a different kid in the classroom. She was concentrating better, handling her emotions, improving on potty training. With every adjustment, the sensory issues seem to just melt away. With her feeling better, she is now starting to catch up at school. The stress at home has been much better and we get to enjoy more fun time together instead of always dealing with a melt down. We can even participate in more social activities! It's like a wall has been lifted and she is able to be the person she is on the inside.“

Testimonial 2: “We have seen such great improvements with our 8 year old daughter since seeing Dr. Tom. Some of the improvements we have seen are better sleep, better communication, better transitions, better focus on school work and less outbursts. We are so great full for Dr. Tom! He is so kind and great with the kiddos. If you find yourself looking for a natural solution Dr. Tom is the way to go. We had faith in his treatment plan and with time we saw improvements.”

Testimonial 3: “It was very difficult for him to follow what was being taught and participate in class. When at home his stimming and tics were constant, and it was worrying me because it seemed to be increasing. We have tried several different therapies over the years, and all gave him some minor progress. Every time I would meet with the teachers it would be basically the same thing: 'He’s not focusing or he doesn’t participate in class'. He had problems in all academic areas. Because I never give up on him, I continue to search and I have an open mind. Soon after he began the treatment, his stimming had significantly lessened. He seems to be more self motivated in regards to his homework assignments. I don’t need to ask if he has homework because I see he’s on top of it. A few teachers have mentioned recently that he participates in class and is more focused. His math grade is a B. He hasn’t had a B in math since he was probably in first grade. It’s great seeing the treatments Dr. Tom provides has helped his progress in school and at home. I know we will see even more positive changes as we continue the treatments. I’m very satisfied with how quickly we’ve seen this amount of progress.

Testimonial 4: “I went to the information session Dr Tom had in in office. Since I am from far away, I was referred to a practice near my home by Roots for torque release technique. My daughter was non-verbal and did not walk. After only 4 sessions my daughter’s 5 therapists had noticed marked increase in focus and cognitive abilities, as well as me. She has been showed increased receptive language and her personality is now glowing! She is also trying to talk more and more! And after only 6 chiropractic sessions she is walking unassisted! I just want to thank you sooooo much. They don’t teach you the wonders of chiropractic care especially in special needs children. I’m a nurse and they don’t highlight the amazing results you can get from chiropractic care. I am so very grateful!”

Testimonial 5: "I first met Dr. Tom and Lauren at the NPN Developmental Differences Fair. I wanted to see if Dr. Tom could help my son since he has a diagnosis of sensory processing disorder (SPD) and a traumatic premature birth. He was diagnosed with SPD at age 6 months (3 months corrected age). As he grew, he had difficulty handling certain textures in his hands and mouth, which would lead to gagging. Feeding him and eating on his own were difficult and eventually manifested into 'poor behavior,' disregulation, anxiety, etc. The only way to get him to eat for years was pureed food. Constipation was also a challenge since birth and I would need to use suppositories, prunes, and massage to help relieve him. He had seen OT, PT, behavioral therapy, developmental therapy, feeding therapy, and speech therapy, so we have been to a lot of professionals and were hoping Roots would be able to help him get to the next level. After Dr. Tom started adjusting my son, there was an immediate improvement in constipation, which led to potty training without issues at age 5. He was able to take applied skills learned in OT and feeding therapy and start using them to self-regulate and better handle over-stimulating/sensory-overload situations. Everything started coming together and other therapy plateaus began to progress again. We started moving forward again!”