Potty Issues + Chiropractic


Potty issues including bedwetting, constipation, and difficulty potty training can be challenging for both children and their parents. We don’t want you going about life feeling embarrassed or stressed out about when the next #1 and #2 will happen. Unfortunately, we hear it all too often:

-continued diapers long past typical potty training
-bedwetting resulting in turning down sleepovers
-urgency and incontinence

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic has been shown to be a safe, natural, and beneficial approach to potty issues. You will be happy to hear that potty problems are one of the top things we see change for the children in our office- even when parents didn’t realize it was an issue! We know that the nerves in the low back and sacrum are responsible for bladder functioning, bowel movements and digestion. Most often chiropractors find misalignments in these areas in kiddos with one of the above issues; however, a thorough examination is important for each individual case.

If there is stress on these areas, messages from your brain to these nerves will not be properly reached. Therefore, your body may not know when and how to expel waste properly. Thank goodness for chiropractic!


“My newborn was extremely constipated for the first few months of his life, and after his adjustments, his system would always clear out!”

“We came to Roots Family Chiropractic because my 1 year old son had really bad constipation and I was looking for different remedies to make him feel more comfortable- but nothing worked. His doctor prescribed suppositories to be used every other day but I didn’t want to go that route. I started looking for an alternative approach and I came upon Dr. Tom’s practice! Within a couple weeks of care we started to see results with his constipation and so much more.”

“After Dr. Tom started adjusting Anthony, there was an immediate improvement in constipation, which led to potty training without issues at age 5.”

“He stopped wetting the bed shortly after starting care which was huge for our family. Prior to adjustments he would wet the bed almost every night.”