Strengthens The Immune System

Myth busted.

The cold doesn't cause colds.

You heard that right!

That said, I've got a little trick to help you get over them.

Your body has a self defense mechanism called the immune system. You can definitely boost it with great habits, quality food, and a good amount of sleep — but did you know chiropractic adjustments actually boost the immune system up to 400%?

After an adjustment, the body boosts the production of cells that help fight for you.

Additionally, blood flow increases to the other problem areas, allowing them to heal and recover. After that, you might get the best sleep of your life.

Considering all of these amazing benefits combined — plus so many more I can’t even list here — it’s easy to realize that adjustments are actually quite powerful.

If you would like to know more about chiropractic and how it can help you or you want to share our information with someone who may benefit from the power of chiropractic, visit our Facebook page or visit our website at

Ear Infections

Children and Ear Infections

Ear infections are one of the biggest reasons kids under three go to the pediatrician.

Usually, when your child has an infection, we run to the medicine cabinet, even though those might have negative side effects.

And even though ear infections are common, it doesn't mean it's normal to get these even semi-regularly.

What is an Ear Infection?

So what is an ear infection? It is a bacterial or viral infection inside the middle ear, and that's deeper than the eardrum.

In the middle ear, there are small hairs that help move fluid out of the inner ear and into the throat. For this to work, you need the eustachian tube, a canal through which air passes from your nose or mouth to your middle ear.

When we have congestion due to allergies, colds, or other causes like flying in airplanes, which changes pressure, our ears try harder to drain by making these tiny muscles contract more frequently than normal.

When it has trouble draining for too long a time though, bacteria can grow because they love living in moist environments with no sunlight exposure.

When this happens, the tubes in the ear become blocked inflamed, and extremely painful.

Can Chiropractic Help?

If you're wondering if chiropractors treat this problem, YES! With proper adjustments, your child's immune system can work at 100% to fight the infection off faster.

One study found that 93% of cases saw improved symptoms with chiropractic adjustments.

The adjustments relieve pain without prescription, relieve pressure so that the nervous system can fight the infection, and help our kids live happier and healthier lives.

It's a good idea to have your child seen by their pediatrician if they still seem miserable even after adjustments.

For most children, chiropractic care can help them avoid taking antibiotics that aren't necessary and may cause other side effects.

Acid Reflux Relief

Burns and Aches

Do you ever experience a burning, aching sensation in your stomach and throat? Have you ever felt chest pain or nausea without any idea why?

If so, then listen up! Acid reflux can be an uncomfortable experience for many people. Many of us will go to the doctor first with over-the-counter relief before we find something that works.

Unfortunately over the counter remedies don't always work, and you have to resort to prescription medication.

This is time-consuming because you usually run through three or so medications that are riddled with side effects before the right fix is found.

What Other Options are there?

Chiropractic adjustments are one way to fix these problems by correcting the nervous system which sends signals to our digestive tract telling it when food should move through our digestive tract.

Your digestive tract has more sensors than anywhere else in the body. so through proper adjustment, they are able to assist it for optimal performance.

Not only will we help you get better but use a holistic approach by addressing all possible causes for your condition so there are no more flare-ups!

Maybe you aren't getting enough exercise, or you're eating too much, even the specific foods you're eating are the cause. We are able to evaluate all of these factors and come up with a game plan for you.

Chiropractic is a great option for anyone who is experiencing acid reflux symptoms. So contact us today so we can start helping you find relief from your condition!

Decreases the Effects of Stress

Stress and it’s Origin

When I first started chiropractic school, I knew that it was a holistic profession; however, I had no idea how many different aspects of health chiropractors could affect.

The three T's that we are going to discuss today are thoughts, traumas, and toxins.

All these different things have an enormous effect on the stress in your body. For example, when our nervous system experiences new decisions or feelings it immediately tenses up.

This is what happens with everyday stressors, you get that uneasy feeling in your gut, the tension in your shoulders, you lose some sleep and then suddenly it happens every day.

Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate this by getting the nervous system aligned and working at 100%.

What does this Mean for Me?

This means relaxed muscles, better sleep, improved digestion, and even mental clarity. Chiropractic adjustments are a holistic approach to helping reduce stress levels in your body.

Chiropractic doesn't just treat back issues like you may have thought. Chiropractors can help with stress, anxiety, and even depression.

As a chiropractor its our job to ensure you have a healthy, pain-free nervous system so that you can live a happy and full life.

What is Chiropractic and how does it Help?

Chiropractic is an approach to healthcare that focuses on the relationship between your spine and nervous system as well as how they relate to other parts of the body.

It's a gentle but hands-on therapy that includes precise adjustments to correct any physical problems in your back or neck, which may be causing pain or poor health elsewhere in your body. Chiropractic care also benefits people who are experiencing injuries from accidents like car crashes.

Chiropractors often use other methods such as massage therapy or nutritional counseling to help their patients reach optimal health.

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to reduce stress by relaxing the muscles of your body and calms your sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response in times of high adrenaline production.

By lowering that adrenaline we ensure your stress levels plummet and allow for your body to heal itself properly.

Myth: Chiropractors Give Good Massages

Hi ROOTS FAMILY followers. I'm Doctor Tom and today we will be smashing the myth that all chiropractors give great massages. Somewhere along the way people began to blur the lines between chiropractors and Massage Therapists , but these two are very different professions. It may appear as if a Chiropractor is massaging someone due to first palpating along the spine prior to an adjustment, but Chiropractors is follow a much different approach and philosophy as compared to massage therapists.

A Chiropractor's goal is of course, to help you feel better, to function better. Yes, we can help you with aches and pains, just like other therapists, but Chiropractic is so much more than that. We know that your nervous system is a master controller of your body.

The job of your Chiropractor is to remove any interference to your nervous system so that every other system in your body can function better.

This is where Chiropractic and the adjustment comes into play and why it's the most influential part of the visit and a major distinction between Chiropractic and other therapies. Thankfully, on Lincoln Avenue, we have the best of both worlds, just a few doors apart.

Here at ROOTS FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC, we will provide you with excellent wellness based Chiropractic Care to get your nervous system functioning at a hundred percent while other providers are nearby to provide other services that you may desire.

For more questions about what we offer in our office, make sure you check out our website at See you next time.

Taking Care of Kids With Special Needs

Hi there. I want to tell you a story about a pediatric patient of mine and an employee's comment that completely caught me off guard.

In this specific instance, I had a child running around my practice, screaming, crying, hitting, biting, and he did not want to get adjusted. And we were able to get him taken care of.

And I debriefed with my employee after the whole situation. And she told me that she didn't know if she'd be able to take care of kids when she graduated, because she's going to school to be a doctor. And I get that. Taking care of kids with special needs can be difficult and it might not be for everybody.

But what I told her is that I don't provide this care and take care of kids because of myself. I take care based on what we're giving them and the type of impact that we're making on their health. Because it's not only impacting that child, but it's impacting that entire family's life. And so with this specific kiddo, we are able to help him have better behaviors, a more balanced mood, less anxiety, better sleep, better eye contact and communication, and overall better connection with the people around him.

And so if you're looking for help and you're looking for hope, please schedule a free consultation with me on my website at Roots Family You just click that new member button and schedule it and I'll get on the phone with you personally, so that I can answer any questions that you have.

Why I Opened A Chiropractic Office

I wanted to quit.

When I was in grad school, I had a plan to work in a specific office with professional athletes, and I decided that I no longer wanted to do that, but I didn't have another plan and I was lost.

But when I went to an event and I heard about chiropractic care for kids, but especially kids with neurodevelopmental and sensory challenges that's when I got excited. I got excited for the impact that chiropractic care can make on these kiddos because their nervous systems are so dysregulated they can't process sensory information.

And that's exactly what the chiropractic adjustment can do.
It helps provide balance to the nervous system and balance to the life.

And that's why I opened up a pediatric chiropractic practice here in Chicago, so that I can support families on this journey for healing and above and beyond what they're used to.

They Changed Our Family's Life

Hey guys, I'm Andrew Key and I'm Mary key and we're the parents of three awesome boys.

A few months ago, we were at a loss of what to do for our oldest son, Lucas. He was having ear infections every couple of weeks. We tried to treat them with essential oils and they would clear up, but they kept coming back.

Our pediatrician was recommending tubes to be put in, but being health freaks, we wanted to avoid surgery if possible.

We heard that chiropractic could possibly help Lucas. So, we called Dr. Tom and started Lucas right away. Since his first adjustment, Lucas did not have another ear infection. We were stunned at how quickly we saw the change we had been hoping for.

He was also sleeping better. He had a more balanced mood and energy. And his posture was improving. After going through Dr. Tom's thorough intake process, we decided to get our entire family started under care. Our second oldest son, Christian was lethargic and even appeared lazy. We were a bit worried about it because some of our friends were even noticing. But we noticed a major boost in his energy and attitude after his adjustments at roots.

And he has opened up and is starting to shine. Our youngest Liam, was congested. And then that already cleared up. For me, my low back has activated in a way that it never has before. I have a lot better posture control and a lot more energy. It has also helped with shoulder pain I had from playing 20 years of high-level volleyball. We have loved how family-friendly the office is and how we don't feel like just another patient. Lauren and Dr. Tom are super welcoming and have Dr. Tom is different than other providers due to his approach to wellness and his fundamental understanding. He's not in a hurry to fix something that should take some time. He's very meticulous in his approach, careful with his words and gives every client ample time to ask questions and understand why he's doing what he's doing.

I had a lot of questions and even some doubts at times so I really appreciated this about him. You may have a child dealing with constant congestion, low energy or recurring ear infections like mind work, or you may be a busy mom like me, who is struggling to find the time and energy to keep it all together.

I want you to know that there's hope for something more and that hope and opportunity was provided for us by Roots Family Chiropractic™.

Myth: You Don't Need To See A Chiropractor If You Are Healthy.

Don't guess when it comes to your health, get checked. Hello, roots family followers. I'm Dr. Tom. And today we're going to be going over the myth. If you're healthy, you don't need to see a chiropractor.

Most people don't realize that health is measured by how well the body's functioning and not by how well we feel you can have disease or dysfunction within your body.

Far before symptoms begin. For example, do you know someone that passed away young of a heart attack that was otherwise healthy? Or a loved one that was diagnosed with cancer, who went to their doctor for a small problem. Of course not all examples are that extreme. And if you're feeling great, then we are definitely happy for you.

But we also know how extremely important it is to assess whether your body is internally functioning, just as great as how you feel our roots family. We always say, when it comes to your health, we don't guess we test and our office will you stay to the art technology that is safe? Reliable and valid with this technology, we're able to assess how well your nervous system is functioning.

The amount of stress that is present and how does affecting your overall health. Once again, we focus on function to find out more about the technology we use in our office, why we use it at home, how we can assess your overall health, check out our website at Or click the link found in the comment section below.

And remember, don't guess when it comes to your health, get checked.

If It's Not Broken, Don't Fix It

I'm Dr. Tom and we're breaking down the myth that if it's not broken, don't fix it.

Let's start by using cars as an example, if your brakes are starting to wear thin, or there is an oil leak or an engine problem, you won't notice right away. In fact, you most likely won't even know there is a problem until your car alerts you. But worst yet, if your warning system isn't working, you won't actually know until your car won’t start. This is why people get their cars checked regularly.

For this same reason, it is important to have your body checked.

Specifically, your spine and nervous system by a chiropractor. A majority of the population doesn't know that the sensation of pain is merely your body signaling that something deeper is wrong. Illnesses don't just appear overnight. They occur because of prolonged stress on the body. As a chiropractic office, we often hear people say, I am feeling fine.

The fact is, misalignments in your spine resulting in stress on your nervous system is something that happens to all of us in daily life. When the stress builds up on your nervous system, your body is not able to communicate or function properly. And dis ease is then present in your system.

If you are looking to feel well and function well, Roots Family Chiropractic™ should be your next stop. Learn how we assess the amount of stress on your nervous by checking out our website at We can't wait to see you soon.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

There is no set rule for an exact amount of time everyone should sleep.

Welcome back. This week, I'm going over the highly discussed question, how much sleep is the right amount?

The answer is, it depends. It depends on your age, activity level, state of health. There is no set rule for an exact amount of time everyone should sleep because we all are different. Thankfully, great guidelines have been published by the National Sleep Foundation with recommended durations for each age.

Let's get into what the per day recommendations are for a few different ages. I'd also like to note that it is normal for some to need slightly more or less than the recommendations.

Infants are recommended to sleep 12 to 15 hours. School-aged kids are recommended to sleep 9 to 11. And for adults, our recommendations are 7 to 9 hours.

The Ultimate Sensory Bin This Winter!

The Ultimate Sensory Bin This Winter!

Think of the snowy outdoors today as the ultimate sensory bin. It contains a variety of sensory elements to help fine tune your kiddo’s nervous system, problem solve, adapt and most importantly... have fun! For little babes and older kids alike - snow has so many benefits. Here are just a FEW reasons why playtime in the snow should be prioritized for your kiddos this winter…

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Babywearing: Simplifying Parenthood, Benefitting Infants

Babywearing: Simplifying Parenthood, Benefitting Infants

Thank you to We The Parents for today’s blog - Happy International Babywearing Week!

Making the transition into parenthood is all about adjustments, and finding ways to keep things simple is an important part of a happy lifestyle. It's why the practice of babywearing has been so closely entwined with motherhood in cultures around the world.

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Remote Learning Hacks for Healthy + Happy Kiddos and Parents!

Remote Learning Hacks for Healthy + Happy Kiddos and Parents!

Today we are sharing some of our favorite resources for a smoother remote learning experience! We know that right now is challenging for so many, so rest assure that these resources will be worth your time. We rounded up our favorite websites, podcast episodes and resources to help create a home environment that results in healthy, happy kiddos AND parents.

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Kid's Charcuterie Board: Simple Way to Incorporate Your Child in Healthy Choices!

Kid's Charcuterie Board: Simple Way to Incorporate Your Child in Healthy Choices!

Learning how to make healthy food options starts in the home. There is so much value in creating a home environment that nurtures and guides our children, but also gives them a safe sense of freedom to explore their food. One of our favorite ways to incorporate our son into making healthy eating choices is through finger foods - especially kid charcuterie boards!

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Our top allergy-friendly Valentine's Day treats!

Our top allergy-friendly Valentine's Day treats!

If you are the parent of a child with a food-allergy, we know that finding allergy-friendly Valentine’s Day treats can be overwhelming. Today we are equipping you with some of our favorite brands for allergy-friendly treats. Since most schools don’t allow homemade baked goods for treats, these in-store (or on Amazon) brands are safe and easy finds for children facing food allergies!

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